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Stock Pitching(selected by recommended times)

Fang submitted 2022-08-01 15:25:58

The finance data vendor, Wind, had launched the stock pitch indexes (indexes composed of the most recommended stocks by different securities firms, updated monthly).

My code is for picking the most recommended stocks from these indexes.

The logic is to read the constituent stocks of these indexes, then calculate the total recommendation times of each stock, then select the top 20 recommended stocks, review the stock performance in 3 months. There were indeed some good stocks pitched by these securities firms, the stocks marked in yellow had positive return in the last 3 months, marked in red are the better ones.

1. stock_picking_review_20220101_20220330

code chg
0 600519.SH -15.6049
1 000568.SZ -25.9385
2 002352.SZ -35.621
3 600690.SH -25.0585
4 002648.SZ 0.549588
5 002142.SZ -3.10867
6 601985.SH -3.61446
7 600809.SH -19.3742
8 002271.SZ -16.268
9 300059.SZ -29.7224
10 601012.SH -12.5406
11 600887.SH -10.9021
12 300451.SZ -31.127
13 000657.SZ -27.2388
14 000998.SZ -16.423
15 002508.SZ -19.1838
16 002624.SZ -35.8936
17 600383.SH 11.33385
18 601888.SH -23.7956
19 300413.SZ -43.6386

2. stock_picking_review_20220201_20220430
code chg
0 600519.SH -3.10652
1 300750.SZ -30.9231
2 000333.SZ -22.0082
3 601888.SH -11.8948
4 601166.SH -1.91571
5 600030.SH -19.9593
6 600036.SH -18.858
7 600048.SH 15.41401
8 600522.SH -1.62455
9 688169.SH -35.4766
10 002648.SZ -14.1905
11 002867.SZ -27.0725
12 002371.SZ -15.5477
13 002142.SZ -7.11179
14 603236.SH -20.7934
15 603816.SH -20.011
16 000596.SZ -6.6778
17 002311.SZ -14.1545
18 002352.SZ -19.0213
19 002372.SZ -15.9735

3. stock_picking_review_20220301_20220530
code chg
0 600048.SH 0.252845
1 000858.SZ -12.5368
2 002142.SZ -15.5381
3 600519.SH -0.66968
4 603019.SH -25.501
5 600011.SH -19.2702
6 300750.SZ -24.6663
7 000733.SZ 1.476487
8 600887.SH -4.68117
9 002271.SZ -0.50683
10 000768.SZ -16.0603
11 603816.SH -12.9119
12 300450.SZ -30.2097
13 600383.SH -5.82219
14 688005.SH -38.9821
15 601985.SH -2.02703
16 600522.SH -4.32924
17 300861.SZ 17.32319
18 601238.SH 13.83894
19 002241.SZ -14.9508

4. stock_picking_review_20220401_20220630
code chg
0 600519.SH 20.24814
1 000002.SZ 7.049608
2 300122.SZ -19.558
3 002271.SZ 15.29658
4 601985.SH -15.4131
5 601012.SH 29.64528
6 002714.SZ -2.31158
7 603236.SH -2.54911
8 300059.SZ 20.65625
9 600048.SH -1.35593
10 601658.SH 0
11 300861.SZ 35.15602
12 600941.SH -6.56523
13 603259.SH -7.00518
14 300750.SZ 4.235799
15 600887.SH 8.320692
16 000001.SZ -2.60078
17 603816.SH 22.31745
18 002352.SZ 22.55611
19 002555.SZ -7.84481

5. stock_picking_review_20220501_20220730

code chg
0 600519.SH 4.952156
1 300059.SZ -2.3266
2 600048.SH -4.75457
3 002271.SZ -10.2082
4 601668.SH -15.9453
5 000002.SZ -11.1971
6 603259.SH -9.0721
7 300911.SZ 2.036057
8 600887.SH -4.44856
9 000001.SZ -15.7428
10 002352.SZ -2.50108
11 601888.SH 16.16778
12 603816.SH 5.007883
13 601985.SH -11.4795
14 300015.SZ 10.22315
15 600399.SH 50.82919
16 600690.SH -4.32266
17 000519.SZ 57.7478
18 603236.SH 37.70474
19 000977.SZ -1.02345

6. stock_picking_review_20220601_20220730
code chg
0 600519.SH 6.368754
1 300413.SZ -13.0409
2 600600.SH 7.437205
3 002594.SZ 8.295962
4 601888.SH 19.64558
5 300059.SZ -1.72261
6 601669.SH -5.9342
7 601012.SH 9.072148
8 601111.SH -0.4128
9 300751.SZ 25.20226
10 600048.SH 11.27319
11 002714.SZ 17.03249
12 603916.SH -11.6999
13 002271.SZ -9.20314
14 000568.SZ 3.445065
15 601390.SH -9.05725
16 688169.SH -27.8618
17 000733.SZ -0.6177
18 600690.SH -2.36314
19 300428.SZ 67.15644

7. stock_picking_review_20220701_20220730
code chg
0 601888.SH -9.23722
1 600519.SH -7.16675
2 300413.SZ -5.61187
3 000858.SZ -11.6526
4 000733.SZ -12.802
5 600600.SH -4.11085
6 600690.SH -9.72323
7 601012.SH -7.69923
8 000568.SZ -9.87264
9 601111.SH -16.882
10 002371.SZ -8.42933
11 600048.SH -1.15423
12 300059.SZ -12.4016
13 300750.SZ -4.75655
14 603236.SH 17.3874
15 300751.SZ -3.85007
16 002271.SZ -21.4105
17 600233.SH -5.24767
18 600570.SH -2.48048
19 300496.SZ 8.966891


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Jul 30 19:42:03 2022

@author : fangfang666
import pandas as pd
from WindPy import *

import datetime
from collections import Counter

date = datetime.datetime(2022,1,15)
date_str = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

indexes = ["8841453.WI","8841454.WI","8841455.WI","8841456.WI","8841457.WI",

counter = Counter()

out = pd.ExcelWriter('stock_picking_%s.xlsx'%date_str)
for index in indexes:
    data = w.wset("sectorconstituent","date=%s;windcode=%s"%(date_str,index))
    if len(data.Data) == 0:
    df = pd.DataFrame(data.Data).T
    df.columns = data.Fields
    for code in df["wind_code"]:

out2 = pd.ExcelWriter('stock_picking_times_%s.xlsx'%date_str)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(counter.most_common(len(counter)))
df2.columns =['code', 'times']  

startDate = datetime.datetime(2022,1,15)
startDate_str = startDate.strftime("%Y%m%d")
endDate = datetime.datetime(2022,4,15)
endDate_str = endDate.strftime("%Y%m%d")

df3 =df2.head(20)
df4 =df3['code']

out3 =pd.ExcelWriter('stock_picking_review_%s_%s.xlsx'%(startDate_str,endDate_str))
chg_list = []
for code in df4:
    chg= w.wss(code, "pct_chg_per","startDate=%s;endDate=%s"%(startDate_str,endDate_str))
    chg_list.append((chg.Codes[0], chg.Data[0][0]))
df3 = pd.DataFrame(chg_list)
df3.columns =['code','chg']

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