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Analysis of the Impact of China Futures Exchange's Return Policy

Fang submitted 2024-07-12 23:05:20

期货交易的手续费 = 交易所手续费 + 期货公司加收手续费。
交易所手续费返还 =交易减收 +持仓减收,是指交易所手续费返还一定比例给会员单位。前者属于基础性减收,后者则往往需会员单位品种持仓量达到或超过一定要求时才可以获得,持仓返还则属于后一种。

1.Fee Rules
The futures trading fee = Exchange fee + Futures company surcharge fee.
Exchange fee rebate = Trade deduction + Position deduction, which refers to the exchange rebating a certain percentage of the fee to the member units. The former is a basic deduction, while the latter is often only available when the member unit's (futures company's) position holding volume reaches or exceeds a certain requirement. The position deduction belongs to the latter.
Usually, to encourage futures companies to expand their business and activate the trading of certain varieties, exchanges have formulated "position increment" and "position standard" assessment policies to rebate exchange fees to member units (futures companies) that meet the standards.
Assisting futures companies to meet the above standards includes general institution accounts (corporate proprietary funds) and special institution accounts (asset management product funds). By locking long and short positions, futures companies have achieved the assessment of position volume for specific varieties, and transferred the exchange's rebated fees are to the capital side, achieving a win-win situation.


2.Rebate Policy Events
After the market closed on January 5th, the Shanghai Futures Exchange, Shanghai International Energy Exchange, Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, Dalian Commodity Exchange, and China Financial Futures Exchange issued announcements regarding the reduction of delivery Commission and other fees for 2024. The Zhengzhou and Dalian Commodity Exchanges issued notices stating: for trade deductions, a 30% reduction in the trading fees for all futures and options contracts, with the deduction method being a daily deduction from the trading fees due on that day; for position deductions, members with an average daily position volume not lower than the base number in futures and options varieties will receive a 10% deduction in their trading fees for that variety. However, "specific algorithmic trading reported customers" recognized by the exchange do not participate in trade deductions and position deductions.
The futures trading fee is generally divided into two parts, one part is the exchange fee, and the other part is the futures company fee. The fee deduction ratio has been gradually declining in recent years. From the current reduction plans issued by some exchanges, they mainly include three aspects:
1)Trade deductions, except for a few varieties, the trading fee deduction ratio for futures and options varieties is 30%.
2)Position deductions, for members with an average daily position volume not lower than the base number in futures and options varieties, a 10% deduction is given for their trading fees for that variety.
3)Specific algorithmic trading reported customers recognized by the exchange do not participate in trade deductions and position deductions.


3.Rebate Policy Comparative Analysis
In international futures exchanges, policies are typically based on the number of trading sides, which favors high-frequency trading activities. High-frequency traders can complete a large number of buy and sell rounds in a short period, thereby increasing market liquidity and activity.
In contrast, China's commodity futures exchanges focus on fee discount policies based on trading volume (lots). This method rewards bulk trading rather than frequent small transactions, helping to attract and encourage large-scale traders to participate, while suppressing small or high-frequency traders to some extent. This strategy reflects the China market focusing on controlling market risks and maintaining market stability. It reflects the China market emphasizing on controlling excessive speculation and maintaining market stability. By setting fee discounts based on trading volume, regulatory authorities can more effectively control the total market trading volume, thereby reducing market fluctuations.
The difference in these strategies reflects the characteristics and regulatory directions of each market. International markets promote market liquidity by incentivizing the increase in the number of trading sides, while the Chinese market controls the total market trading volume through attention to trading volume, reducing market fluctuations, and adapting to its developing and improving market environment.

在国际商品期货交易所中,交易轮数(即买卖双方各算一轮,英文称为 "sides")通常被用作划分手续费优惠等级的标准。中国的商品期货交易所则根据超过基准交易量的交易量(手)来实现差异化减收。此外,国际期货交易所的公司会员和个人会员分别基于统一的标准来划分优惠等级。而在中国,期货交易所的优惠等级通常是基于会员的历史交易量,按照超出达标基准的交易量来确定。

Comparative Analysis
The differences are mainly reflected in three aspects: discount methods, fee rebate trends, and trading frequency:
1)Discount Methods:
In international commodity futures exchanges, the number of trading sides (i.e., one round for each side of the buyer and seller, known in English as "sides") is usually used as the standard for dividing fee discount levels. Chinese commodity futures exchanges, on the other hand, achieve differentiated deductions based on the trading volume (lots) exceeding the benchmark. Additionally, international futures exchanges divide discount levels for corporate and individual members based on a unified standard. In China, futures exchange discount levels are usually based on the member's historical trading volume, determined by the trading volume exceeding the benchmark.
2)Fee Rebate Trends:
In recent years, there has been a tightening trend in the rebate of futures trading fees in China. In contrast, international futures exchanges have seen an upward trend in discounts in recent years.
3)Trading Frequency:
In international futures exchanges, especially in the United States and Europe, there are relatively relaxed restrictions on trading frequency. These exchanges typically allow high-frequency trading and have advanced technical infrastructure to support this type of trading.
In contrast, Chinese futures exchanges have stricter restrictions on trading frequency. For example, Chinese exchanges may set limits on trading speed, daily trading volume, or the number of transactions within a certain period to reduce the risk of market over-fluctuation and manipulation.
Common Points:
Both domestic and international commodity exchanges have reduced commodity trading fees in recent years.

4. 制度套利空间降低,需提升投研水平

4.Reduction of Systematic Arbitrage Space, Need to Improve Research Level
The China Securities Regulatory Commission responded to rumors about "quantitative trading in the commodity futures market being stopped," stating that in 2024, to strengthen trading supervision and maintain a "three fair" market order, various commodity futures exchanges will optimize and adjust the fee reduction policy.
In the past year, the direction of financial regulatory policies has two main goals: one is to reduce fees, and the other is fairness. The strengthening of regulatory policies means that the alpha source of non-bank channel systematic arbitrage, which existed as a "shadow of the bank" in the past, has disappeared. For the investment side, asset management businesses need to reduce their dependence on systematic arbitrage profits and strive to improve research levels to prepare for the upcoming clearing tide. For the risk management side, on the one hand, it is necessary to avoid the back office risks brought by industry fluctuations, and on the other hand, it is necessary to accelerate the development of risk management models to provide "risk consulting" for risks under supply-side reforms.

5.1 市场参与者:普通客户影响小,机构影响稍大

5.Market Structure and Trading Conditions Change
Policies have a significant impact on high-frequency trading, position rebate strategies, and futures market makers.
5.1 Market Participants: Little impact on general customers, slightly greater impact on institutions customers.
Trade deductions refer to the reduction of trading fees for futures and options varieties; position deductions mean that for member units that have an incremental or standard-meeting position in a certain variety compared to the base year, the exchange will rebate the trading fees. Specific program trading reported customers recognized by the exchange do not participate in trade deductions and position deductions, which means that the trading fee rebate for specific program trading reported customers is canceled.
The fee rebate has not been completely canceled, but the calculation method and structure have changed, which has little impact on general customers; the impact on high-frequency quantitative institutions is greater, as these customers are likely to be identified as "specific program reported customers" and do not participate in the trade deduction; some general institution and special institution accounts that specialize in position rebate strategies are more affected.

5.2 外资高频预计受到较大影响
当前,境外投资机构布局中国期货市场一般可以通过几种渠道:通过 QFII 进行交易,但目前仅限于以套保为目的的股指期货交易,商品期货期权已经对 QFII 投资机构开放;参与原油期货等国际品种的交易;通过券商的收益权互换业务参与,但佣金较高。此外,亦有外资机构近两年来已入股境内私募公司,抑或是成立独资外商企业,并在基金业协会备案成为私募基金管理人,例如元胜(Winton)、德劭(D.E.Shaw)、 Two Sigma,不过这几家量化巨头并非高频交易机构。

5.2 High-frequency foreign capital is expected to be greatly affected
The most significant impact is expected to be on foreign high-frequency trading firms. Previous reports have estimated that in 2019, high-frequency trading made a profit of about 5 billion yuan in the domestic futures market, with about 60% being taken away by foreign customers, of which the top three high-frequency traders shared at least 2 billion yuan. For high-frequency trading giants, the Chinese futures market, which implements "T+0" trading, is more attractive than the stock market. The main object of the futures company's brokerage business "fee rebate" is high-frequency quantitative customers, who have a large trading volume and frequent transactions, making them high-quality customers for the brokerage company, and therefore, the rebate ratio is also relatively high.
High-frequency strategy seeks profits in short-term market changes through quantitative trading, with the following characteristics:
· Using ultra-high-speed complex computer systems for order placement;
· The average holding time per order is extremely short;
· A large number of orders are sent and canceled, with a large trading volume;
· The position is basically closed at the end of the trading day (basically no overnight holding).
It can be seen that this strategy is highly sensitive to futures trading fees, and even minor changes in fees can have a significant impact.
At present, foreign investment institutions generally have several ways to layout in the Chinese futures market:
· Trading through QFII, but currently, it is limited to hedging-oriented stock index futures trading, and some commodity futures/options have been opened to QFII investment institutions;
· Participating in the trading of international varieties such as crude oil futures;
· Participating through the TRS business of securities firms, but the commission is relatively high.
· In addition, some foreign institutions have invested in domestic private companies in the past two years, or have established wholly-owned foreign enterprises and have been filed with the Fund Association as private fund managers, such as Winton, D.E. Shaw, Two Sigma, but these few quantitative giants are not high-frequency trading institutions.

CTA 持仓返还策略随着交易所的持仓返还政策应运而生。策略的具体运作方式为:通过在期货公司开立的法人户(企业自有资金) 和特法户(资管产品资金),运用多空对锁的方式开仓后,协助期货公司达到持 仓减收的标准后,期货公司获得交易所返还的手续费。资管产品或相关方与期 货公司签订合同,约定在收到交易所实际发放的上月份手续费返还后的一定时间内(通常为 10 个工作日),期货公司将返还的手续费按实际约定的比例,返还给资管产品账户中。持仓返还比率降低可能会导致享受政策红利以降低交易成本的交易者降低入场的动力,或引起市场持仓量的下降,这也可能对期货公司总体收入带来影响。
持仓返还策略的直接收益来源在于交易所返还的手续费。期货公司和一些合作单位达成约定,通过其法人户和特法户,长期持仓交易有减费政策的部分期货品种,在协助期货公司达到持仓减收的标准后,期货公司获得交易所减收,而后将手续费按约定比例返还给合作单位。若持仓返还减少,对该红利政策依 赖度较大的策略在规模上可能产生明显收缩。

5.3 The impact on position rebate strategy participants is significant
CTA position rebate strategy emerged with the exchange's position rebate policy. The specific operation of the strategy is: through the general institution account (corporate proprietary funds) and special institution account (asset management product funds) opened at the futures company, after opening positions by locking long and short positions, assist the futures company to reach the standard of position deduction, and the futures company obtains the exchange rebate. The asset management product or related party signs a contract with the futures company, agreeing that within a certain period (usually 10 working days) after receiving the actual monthly fee rebate issued by the exchange, the futures company will return the rebate fee to the asset management product account according to the actual agreed proportion. A reduction in the position rebate ratio may reduce the motivation of traders who enjoy policy dividends to reduce trading costs, or cause a decline in market position, which may also affect the overall revenue of futures companies.
The direct source of income for the position rebate strategy lies in the fee rebate from the exchange.
Futures companies and some cooperative units reach an agreement, through their general institution accounts and special institution accounts, to trade long-term positions with reduced fee policies for some futures varieties. After assisting the futures company to reach the standard of position deduction, the futures company obtains the exchange deduction, and then rebates the fee to the cooperative unit according to the agreed proportion. If the position rebate is reduced, the strategy that relies on this rebate policy may have a significant contraction in scale.

5.4 对期货做市商影响较大

5.4 The impact on futures market makers is significant
The futures market-making strategy is to provide bilateral quoted limit orders, providing liquidity to the market while profiting from the bid-ask spread. The main source of income for market makers in futures and options markets is the bid-ask spread and exchange deductions. A reduction in the position rebate ratio, on the one hand, will lead to a decrease in market liquidity, which may reduce market-making opportunities and affect the income of the market-making strategy; on the other hand, if the exchange adjusts the fee deduction ratio, it will have a significant impact on the normal operation of the strategy, reducing the expected income of the strategy. At the same time, after the position rebate ratio is reduced, market makers may face more intense competition, and customers will demand more accurate pricing and faster execution speed. In addition, the market-making strategy needs to strengthen risk management measures to cope with possible increased market volatility and reduced liquidity.

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