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Shanghai Securities News: Index funds will benefit from the refinancing business.

Fang submitted 2019-07-29 13:54:56

The opening of refinancing business of public funds, especially index funds, has a significant and far-reaching impact on the development of the entire capital market and index funds.

First, the opening of the refinancing business is of great significance to the future development of the capital market. With the launch of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, the capital market has ushered in major institutional reforms, including registration system, information disclosure, investor suitability, and refinancing business.

Science and Technology Innovation Board is not only a brand new sector in the capital market, but more importantly, a test field for capital market reform. As far as refinancing business is concerned, it includes not only the refinancing business of the science and technology innovation board, but also the refinancing business of the main board.

The lending of the strategic placement stocks of science and technology innovation board will have a positive effect on the price discovery and market valuation of science and technology innovation board. Judging from the margin trading business in the main board market, there are more margin trading and very few securities lending. The core reason is that the source of securities lending is insufficient, and the one-tier long mechanism cannot fully utilize the function of capital market price discovery. The opening of refinancing business of public funds, especially the index fund, is very meaningful for expanding the source of securities and establishing a two-way mechanism for pricing individual stocks.

Second, the refinancing business is also beneficial to the development of index funds. On the one hand, from overseas data, index funds are important providers of source of securities lending, and about 40% of the securities lending are provided by index funds. This is determined by the characteristics of the index funds, that hold long-term constituent stocks to track index, so the index fund can lend a certain percentage of the constituent stocks held. On the other hand, opening the refinancing business are not contradictory to the investment principle of the index fund and also helps to improve the liquidity management of the fund products.

And the management fees of index funds are significantly lower than actively managed funds. At present, most domestic fund management fee is about 0.5%, while the actively managed fund management fee is 1% to 1.5%. It is estimated that the size of securities that can be borrowed from the index fund is at around 30%, and in most cases it may be between 20% and 30%. According to the interest rate of refinancing business provided by CSF, the index fund can obtain a 0.4% to 0.5% return through the refinancing business, which can basically cover the current management fee. Some index funds, such as the type of index funds with management fees of 0.15% and 0.2%, can also obtain excess returns.

The A-share market has entered a stage of increasing market effectiveness. According to overseas experience, in the stage of gradually increasing market effectiveness, index funds will have a large space for rapid development.

The refinancing business will bring attractive returns to the index fund. Because the current income of refinancing business is totally included in the fund assets, and this will once again increase the return of the index fund. Judging from the rating report of securities companies and research report of funds, in the past five years, the cumulative return of most actively managed funds is difficult to beat the mainstream index funds, and its success rate is less than 30%. The benchmark here refers to the full-income benchmark, not the price benchmark. The income of the future index fund plus the income from refinancing business is basically the full income. Therefore, index funds have an advantage in future competition.

Third, the refinancing business is very beneficial to improve the competitiveness of index funds and increase the returns of investors. What should the public fund do in the refinancing business?

Above all, the public fund must be cautious to avoid various risks, including liquidity risk and credit risk. Liquidity risk refers to whether the securities the fund borrowed can smoothly respond to the purchase and redemption, and whether it can smoothly and safely adapt to large redemptions during the stress test. This is a key to ensuring that the fund does not have liquidity problems. In terms of credit risk, although the counterparty of the refinancing business is CSF, which is carrying the national credibility, the abnormal situation of the counterparty, the repayment of the refinancing business and the fund situation should still be monitored constantly and updated dynamically.

The opening of refinancing business of public funds is very important for the development of the domestic capital market, and can effectively provide a rich source of securities for investors to use. In addition, the refinancing business will improve the A-share two-way pricing mechanism, making the pricing of individual stocks more reasonable. From the experience of overseas markets, such as the US market, its securities lending is very convenient, and the pricing of stocks is more reasonable.

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